The adventures of a 30-year-old American in Korea (and beyond): Miscommunications, observations, frustrations, and a whole mess of pictures.
The adventures of a 30-year-old American in Korea (and beyond): Miscommunications, observations, frustrations, and a whole mess of pictures.
Does Moon Jang Rock refer to the moon? Or does "moon" mean something else in Korean?
That's a really good question, and I had to ask a Korean to find out the answer. It would be fitting, because the rock that's at the top is really cratered for some reason. I was trying to figure it out myself, but that didn't work: "Moon" means "entrance" and "Jang" means "shop," but "entrance shop" doesn't make much sense. When I asked, I was told it means nothing, it's just a name.
That reminds me of the line from Pulp Fiction when the female cabbie asks Butch what his name means. He says, It's just a name. American names don't mean shit. Or something like that. I guess the same is sometimes true of Korean names.
Yep, the same is USUALLY true of Korean names. People's names, place's names, but every now and again, you get someone who's name means something.
For example, my Korean teacher said that his son's name means "Big Flagpole." I guess he's got the highly amibitious goal for his son to be a porno actor.
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