Sunday, February 20, 2005

My Trek

Rose told me about the foreigner temple out in Gyeryong City months ago. We've tried to go many times, but it never works out. This last Sunday, though, we made it. I've told about the temples many times before, so there's not much to add.

A few interesting things about this temple, though:

1) It's all foreign monks (from all over the world). You're more likely to get a response in English than in Korean. In fact, Rose asked a question to an Asian monk in Korean, and the monk didn't understand. The response came in English when she finally caught on.

2) The main monk was American. He seemed like a really nice guy, and I really enjoyed listening to him talk (even though it's hard for me to sit on the floor for extended periods of time.

3) The temple is new and unpainted (as you can see in the pictures). I didn't know this, but after you build a temple, you have to wait a few years to paint it because the wood needs time to dry.

4) The temple is WAY out of town. It took two buses, a cab, and over an hour to get there. I'd say it was worth it, though.

Anyway, that's about it. If you have questions, ask. I never really know what people will or won't know about Buddhist temples and Buddhism. I'll field questions if I can.



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