Thursday, November 03, 2005

A lesson in linguistics.

I just learned this week the origin of two common Korean words: "adjuma," a word used to refer to older Korean women who work at a place you're patronizing, and "adjashi," a word for the male equivilent of "adjuma." These are used VERY often in place of names or titles. For example, you might say, "adjuma, cha ju-say-yo," the equivelent of saying, "ma'am, can you bring me some tea." I've gotten accustomed to using these words, but now that I know their origins, I have a hard time using them.

"Adjuma" basically means "child bag."

"Adjashi" basically means "child seeds."

They're derived from old Korean not used anymore, that's why I didn't catch it until now.

Good times.

"Child bad, please bring me some tea" has an odd ring to it.



At 1:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds pretty odd to me! Learn something new each day!


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