Thursday, June 15, 2006

April (or, the Month of the Cockroach)

It's hard for me to believe I'm nearly three months behind in my posts, but I'll start back with April and work my way to the present. April wasn't terriblly eventful. I went to that festival at the start of the month, and I went to the aquarium (pictures below). Other than that, I mostly just hung out, taught, and did the usual stuff. But even the usual stuff can be a little weird at times.

One morning I woke up to a tickle on my neck. I didn't think anything of it, as sometimes you get those phantom tickles first thing in the morning. But then a minute or so later, I felt a big tickle on my stomach. I started to get worried, thinking it was maybe a spider or something. It was worse.

I lifted up my covers, and sitting on the bare shin of my stomach was a large brown disease-infested cockroach.

I screamed like a girl.

Anyway, I caught the cockroach in a jar instead of just killing it. My intention was to take it down to the front desk of my apartment building and just set it there, thus (hopefully) motivating them to spray for roaches. With this plan in mind, I set the roach by the door, intending to take it down with me when I went out. Well, it was Saturday, and I never bothered to get dressed. So by the time I remembered that I had caught the cockroach, it was pretty much dead. So I gave it a sea burial in my toilet.

Luckily, I haven't seen another one since.



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