Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sometimes Drunken Idiots Turn Dangerous

I woke up this morning to the smell of smoke. It took a few minutes to realize that smoke usually means fire. When it hit me, I bolted to my bedroom door.

I opened the door into a haze of whitish-gray smoke. The smell was terrible, and I could barely see. The only thing I could make out was the light of a fire on my stove. I rushed toward it and turned it off.

I couldn't really make out what had happened yet, so I turned on the fan in the kitchen and opened all the windows to the apartment (keep in mind, that it's still below freezing right now). Turns out Chris got the bright idea to cook himself some Macaroni and Cheese when he came home (I can only assume he was inebriated) and forgot about it on the stove. Chances are good that it had sat there for a few hours under full heat before I turned it off.

The pot was ruined. The smell was terrible. And the fact that this could have turned out MUCH MUCH worse didn't escape me.

The commotion of me trying to get the smoke out of the apartment finally woke Chris up after an hour or so.

"Chris, you really need to be more careful cooking. The whole apartment was filled with smoke when I woke up."

His response? "Ugh," and he went back to bed.



At 4:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good lord--first the guy takes a leak on the kitchen floor. Now he almost turns you both extra crispy.

Sounds like it's time to change the locks...


At 11:50 PM, Blogger Worth Weller said...

Just sying hi - I know about being drunk in Korea!! Makes the food look funnyt!

At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Lord, now this is the scarest story I have heard come from you. Fire is nothing to mess with, and the smoke can kill you. Is there nothing that can be done with this guy! GR

At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that "Thank Goodness you knew what to do and you are both okay!" We can all be happy and pleased about that, and that there is one sensible roommate in that apartment. G.R.


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