I hate baseball. It's boring. But Rose talked me into going to a game.
"Try it, you'll have a good time," she said. I didn't think I would, but I agreed to go for the experience.
Rose, Dan, and I arrived at the park early. We passed by food vendors on the way in selling squid and pig knuckles. It was hard for me to go the whole game without the traditional baseball snacks, but I managed.
The team's name was the Eagles, but their mascots looked like chickens. I called the team that for a while, but then I realized that in Korean, sometimes chicken is chicken. I realized this when the person behind me said "blah blah blah chicken blah blah." I stopped calling them that then.
I was bored when the game started until I realized no one could understand me (unless I said Chicken). Then I started yelling at the foreign players. I'm sure they couldn't hear me, but it's still fun yelling "go whitey" over and over.
Whenever anything happened in the game, there was an animation for it on the scoreboard. The player is walked. Animation. The ball is caught. Animation. The ball isn't caught. Animation. There's a stike out. Animation. Only in Korea.
In the end, our team did pretty well. I was still bored, but I wasn't as bored as I thought I would be. I still do, however, hate baseball.