Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Well, I hit a Korean tourist festival thing today. It was pretty boring, but I decided to take a few pictures of the city while I was at it. Enjoy!


Me in front of a huge glowing mask made out of paper. Posted by Picasa

The mask alone. Posted by Picasa

Fish. Posted by Picasa

Lotus. Posted by Picasa

Fish. Posted by Picasa

People showing off some Korean style drums. Posted by Picasa

Tomato truck. Posted by Picasa

Truck full of strawberries. It's odd that this has gotten commonplace to me. Posted by Picasa

Regular street. You can kind of see the old women on the right selling fruit and veggies. That's really common here. Posted by Picasa

Woman selling fish. Posted by Picasa

Street Posted by Picasa

Street. Posted by Picasa

Alley. Posted by Picasa

Magnolia tree. Posted by Picasa

This one's for Damian. He wanted to see the cherry blossoms, well here they are. Posted by Picasa

And an up close shot. Posted by Picasa

Busan. Posted by Picasa

More Busan. Posted by Picasa

Busan. Posted by Picasa

The smallest banana ever. That coin in the picture is about the size of a quater. What's crazy is that it was a tiny banana right in the middle of a bunch of regular sized bananas, and it never turned yellow. It was like the banana of perpetual youth or something. Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 03, 2006


I haven't posted for a while, so I thought I'd mention why:

I think I've been totally desensitized to Korea.

Everything that was originally weird is not commonplace to me. The students are commonplace. The food is commonplace. The language barrier is commonplace. I don't even notice the stuff anymore.

But even then, sometimes things jar you back into perspective. Today, I was teaching. Teaching a college class. At a national university. On the fourth floor. And, get this, a dog ran into my classroom. Korea has a lot of homeless dogs, more than you'd expect for some reason. This one was a nice little mangy one. White turned brown from dirt, but friendly none the less. It just wandered in all tongue and wagging, then ran to the back of the room and laid down. In my classroom. On the fourth floor. I had to get a student to re-liberate him.

And earlier this week, I got some practice in keeping a straight face. I was lecturing and I noticed a student chewing on his pen. I actually saw the pen break right in his mouth and the ink spill out onto his chin. I saw the look of shock on his face as he scrambled to keep his dignity. I saw him wipe away the blue to make a long purple smear across his chin. And the whole time, I continued lecturing. I did my best to keep my smiles down.

It was almost as bad as the time I was talking to a student and a booger flew out his nose. When that happens, you really find out how adult you can be.