Acupuncture Update #2
I worked out today, and although I wasn't 100%, my shoulder was closer to 100% than it's been in two months. I'm surprised to say that I think the acupuncture actually worked.
The adventures of a 30-year-old American in Korea (and beyond): Miscommunications, observations, frustrations, and a whole mess of pictures.
I worked out today, and although I wasn't 100%, my shoulder was closer to 100% than it's been in two months. I'm surprised to say that I think the acupuncture actually worked.
It's better today, surprisingly. I'm healing nicely after having problems for so long. I'm actually healing SO well, that I think I'm going to chance a workout tomorrow (although with light weights). I'm sure there'll be another update after that.
I appreciate that some of you have commented, but be careful: only hit the publish post button once. It takes a minute for it to show up on the blog (longer than posting on the internet usually does). Just be patient, otherwise you end up with the same comment several times on the board (and I get like ten notification emails that fill up my box). Anyway, don't let this stop you from posting.
I went back for a second treatment (he said if I woke up stiff the next morning, to come back again). I must say, that my shoulder does actually feel a lot better. But now my neck hurts. The doctor said this might happen, but it'd only last for a day. We'll see.
I hurt my shoulder about two months ago. I'm not exactly sure how, but I think it was a combination of playing with the kids at my school and then working out. I think one of the kids yanked down on my arm and pulled something, then I worked out and hurt it more. I'm not sure though. In any case, it doesn't want to heal right. I laid off shoulder exercises for three weeks. I put heat on it every night. I massage it a bit through the day. It does get better, but when it feels good and ready, I try to do my regular work out (instead of my lame "my shoulder hurts" one) and it starts to hurt again.
Enjoy it for me, because it's not celebrated here (even by me, since I don't know how I'd go about that by myself :) ).
I was walking home last night at about 10:30. I was on a back road, but not an alley, in a pretty nice part of town. Lots of people were around because it's a road with a lot of shops.
Part I: Arrival
My mom's trip to Korea started by falling down on a moving sidewalk, followed shortly by getting ripped off in a cab. The day was rounded off by spending the night in a hotel that we paid way too much for. Honestly, I'm a little surprised she didn't just turn around and go home.
We stepped off the train into a nice, albeit brisk, day.
We awoke early trying to get out to the mountain before too late. Mom called me and said she was headed over, then called me an hour later and said she couldn't find the place...but found her way back to the hotel. I decided, of course, to just come to her this time.
So mom met my kiddies. Nothing too much to tell really. I totally forgot to take pictures of her with them. I'll let her tell about the experience.
We left early to find mom a hotel room. The room we found was cheaper than, cleaner than, and less getting ripped off by taxi drivers than the first hotel in Seoul. It really was a nice place and it made it all the worse that we could have stayed someplace like that the first night if we had just made it a few feet further to the hotel info desk instead of getting caught by the cabbie. So it goes.
My school went and saw a Korean version of Alice in Wonderland English. Here are some highlights.